The Format menu lets you edit report styles and control other aspects of the report’s formatting.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar reportwindow formatsubmenu Report window toolbar: Format menu

Format menu options:

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks arrow r Report window toolbar: Format menu The options available in this submenu depend on which cell of the report is currently selected, so some of the items shown below won’t always be present.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgreportfmtcolumn Report window toolbar: Format menu

Edit columntype column style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog to let you edit the column style named by the menu item.

This style controls the appearance of the column in which the currently selected cell is located.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgreportfmtrow Report window toolbar: Format menu

Edit rowtype
row style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog to let you edit the row style named by the menu item.

This style controls the appearance of the column in which the currently selected cell is located.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgreportfmtdefault Report window toolbar: Format menu

Edit Default style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog to let you edit the report’s default style, which is used for all cells not specifically formatted by another style.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgreportfmtedcell Report window toolbar: Format menu

Edit Editable cell style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog to let you edit the style used for displaying editable cells of the report.

This only lets you change the style. To turn on highlighting of editable cells see the next item, below.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks menucheckbox Report window toolbar: Format menu

Highlight editable cells

When selected (check marked), cells of the report which you may edit will be displayed in a color that’s different from that of other cells.

This option controls whether editable cell highlighting is on/off. To change the highlighting color see the prior item, above.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks menucheckbox Report window toolbar: Format menu

Always auto-fit column widths

When selected (check marked), report columns are automatically resized to fit the text within them when you create or refresh a report. After the report is created, you may resize columns manually by dragging the border in the column header area to the left or right—the same as in most spreadsheets.


Column widths…

Leads to the

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks arrow r Report window toolbar: Format menu This menu item is only available if the Always auto-fit column widths item is not check marked.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgtabcolor1 Report window toolbar: Format menu

Change tab color…

Opens a Change color dialog, where you may change the color used for report window tabs.

See also:

Report window toolbars

Report window toolbar: Format menu