The Transactions window has yet another toolbar below its standard data window toolbar, which offers the following commands.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks reftlbartranswindowsubtoolbar Transactions window sub toolbar


Here are descriptions of this sub-toolbar’s commands and features.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub showgrouplvls Transactions window sub toolbar

Show group levels

Displays the Show Group Levels menu which has commands for expanding/collapsing grid groups.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub dategroupingmethod Transactions window sub toolbar

Date grouping method

Clicking the down arrow in this box lets you select the date grouping method ManagePLUS will use when you group the grid by the Date column. The example at left reads “by Month”, which means that grouping the grid by the Date column will group transactions by month. The date choices include: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, and Day.

This item has no effect, except when the grid is grouped by the Date column.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub ungroupall Transactions window sub toolbar

Ungroup all

Removes all grouping (removes all column headings from the grouping panel).

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub ungrouplast Transactions window sub toolbar

Ungroup last

Reduces grouping by removing the last (rightmost) column heading from the grouping panel.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub removefiltering Transactions window sub toolbar

Remove filtering

Turns off all filtering currently in effect in the grid, so that all transactions for the active accounting period are displayed.

See also:  the Record count indicator, described below.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub showcolchooser Transactions window sub toolbar

Show Column Chooser

Toggles display of the Column Chooser, and example of which is shown below. You may drag column headings to/from the Column Chooser to hide/show them, respectively, in the grid.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks htcolchooserwdo Transactions window sub toolbar

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub bestfitcolumn Transactions window sub toolbar

Best fit current column

If you’ve clicked in the grid so that a cell is selected (highlighted), then clicking this button will resize the selected cell’s column to be just wide enough to show all data.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub bestfitall Transactions window sub toolbar

Best fit all columns

Resizes all visible grid columns so that all are wide enough to show the data they contain.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks tlbar transwindow sub filteredreccount2 Transactions window sub toolbar

Record count indicator

This indicator is tells how many transaction records are currently visible in the grid. If you have filtered the grid in any way, so that fewer than the number of available records are shown, this indicator also displays “(filtered)” to let you know that a filtering is in effect.

See also:

Data window toolbars

Transactions window

Transactions window sub-toolbar