The Grid > Columns submenu provides options for managing the grid’s columns.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks ref tlbar gridcolumnsmenu Grid > Columns submenu

Grid > Columns submenu options:

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgchoosecolumnsfromlist Grid > Columns submenu

Choose from a list…

Displays the column selection button‘s list of grid columns, where you may choose columns to show in the grid by check marking them.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgshowcolumnchooser Grid > Columns submenu

Show Column Chooser

Displays the Column Chooser window.

You may choose columns to show/hide in the grid by dragging column headings from/to the Column Chooser.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgbestfitcolumn Grid > Columns submenu

Best fit current column

Makes the currently-selected grid column wider or narrower, to fit the data it displays.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgbestfitall Grid > Columns submenu

Best fit (all columns)

Makes all grid columns wider or narrower, to fit the data they display.

See also:

Using ManagePLUS grids in How-To Procedures

Grid > Columns submenu