The Grid > Clear grid settings submenu provides options for clearing various grid settings.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks ref tlbar gridcleargridsettings Grid > Clear grid settings submenu

Grid > Clear grid settings options:

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgsortcancel Grid > Clear grid settings submenu


Clears any sorting currently in effect in the grid.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks clearfilters Grid > Clear grid settings submenu


Removes any grid filters which may be in effect, so that all data will be displayed.

Filters limit what data is shown in the grid. For more information see: Filtering grids in the How-to Procedures.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimggridreset Grid > Clear grid settings submenu

All (reset to default view)

Resets the grid’s view settings to their “factory” defaults.

This menu item gives you a way to recover from grid settings changes which may have accidentally caused some data to be hidden.

Grid > Clear grid settings submenu