The Profit Analysis report (ManagePLUS Gold only) is essentially a Profit and Loss report for a single class (cost center or profit center), but including amounts allocated to that class from other accounts and classes. Here’s the top section of the report. It looks similar to the Profit and Loss with Classes report, but this report includes allocation transactions, while the Profit and Loss with Classes report does not.
And here’s the bottom section of the report, where class-to-class allocations are detailed. This simple example shows a single allocation, from the Equipment:Combine class to Crops:Corn. More typically, this section would include several allocations from various classes.
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Notes & Highlights
FAQ “Why don’t allocations from the Chart of Accounts window appear in Allocated Expense section?” They’re in the report, just not in the Allocation Expense block. Allocations made to classes from the Chart of Accounts window appear in their usual income or expense section of the report. Why is that? Because allocating income and expense balances to classes in ManagePLUS Gold has exactly the same effect as making class assignments within QuickBooks transactions. And in fact, you may do both: you could assign some Electricity expense to classes in QuickBooks, then allocate the remainder of it (any Electricity amount not already assigned to a class) in ManagePLUS Gold. But if these two different assignments of Electricity expense to the same class showed up in different sections of the report—part in the upper (Expenses) section, and part in the Allocated Expense section—it would be very confusing. So ManagePLUS Gold puts account-to-class allocations in their usual income and expense sections of the report, and only puts class-to-class allocations in the Allocated Expense section. What’s the difference between a Profit Analysis report and the (ManagePLUS) Profit and Loss with Classes report? The Profit Analysis report differs in that it includes allocations, while the Profit and Loss with Classes report does not. What’s the difference between a Profit Analysis report and the (QuickBooks) Profit and Loss by Class report? The QuickBooks report lists each class in separate column, so the report take up less vertical space but more horizontal space. The ManagePLUS Gold report lists each class on a separate line below each account, so the report takes up less horizontal space but more vertical space. But in addition, it does some “behind the scenes” things to provide enhanced detail about the sources and destinations of allocations between classes; something QuickBooks reports cannot do. See also: Working with Reports in How-To Procedures Working with Cost Centers, Profit Centers, and Allocation in How-To Procedures Adding management quantities (Classes list example) in Quick Start Basics Getting a Profit Analysis report in the tutorials |