Reports have pop-up menus available in many places, by right-clicking on the report. The contents of these menus differs depending on where the right-click occurred (i.e., in which cell of the report), so the following is just an example of items you’ll find in a report’s right-click menu.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks refpopupmenusreports Reports pop up menu

Report pop-up menu options:

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks repformatcolumn Reports pop up menu

Edit stylename column style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog for editing fonts, colors, etc. of the stylename column style.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks repformatrow Reports pop up menu

Edit stylename row style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog for editing fonts, colors, etc. of the stylename row style.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks repformatdefault Reports pop up menu

Edit Default style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog for editing the report’s Default style, the primary font, colors, etc., used for displaying the report.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks repformateditablecell Reports pop up menu

Edit Editable cell style…

Opens the Edit Report Style dialog for editing the report’s Editable cells style, the font, colors, etc. used for editable cells in the report.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks menucheckbox Reports pop up menu

Highlight editable cells

When check marked, editable cells of the report are displayed in the Editable cell style (see above).

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks menucheckbox Reports pop up menu

Always auto-fit column widths

When check marked, all columns of the report are automatically fit to the width of their contents whenever the report is rebuilt, reformatted, or refreshed.


Column widths…8

Leads to the (Reports pop-up) > Column widths submenu, which has options for managing column widths.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgcut Reports pop up menu


Cuts the currently selected cell(s) contents to the Clipboard.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgcopy Reports pop up menu


Copies the currently selected cell(s) contents to the Clipboard.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgpaste Reports pop up menu


Pastes the Clipboard contents into the cell(s) at the current cursor position.

See also:

Reports Reference

Reports pop-up menu