The Lists menu’s commands give you quick access to ManagePLUS data window.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks starblue Lists menu Each Lists menu command opens a corresponding data window. If the data window is already open though, clicking on a menu item will simply find the window and bring it to the front of other windows.

Lists menu options:

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgaccounts Lists menu

Chart of Accounts

Opens the Chart of Accounts window.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgclassesappleorange3 Lists menu


Opens the Classes window.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgtransactions1 Lists menu


Opens the Transactions window.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgqbsendtrans4 Lists menu

Send transactions to QuickBooks

Sends allocation transactions to QuickBooks.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks btnimgqbdeletetrans Lists menu

Delete transactions from QuickBooks

Deletes allocation transactions from QuickBooks.

See also:

Data Windows Reference

Lists menu