The User Login dialog lets you enter a user name and password for logging into ManagePLUS.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks starblue User Login dialog Currently ManagePLUS supports just the user name “Admin”, so for now this dialog only accepts a password.

ManagePLUS for QuickBooks dlguserlogin User Login dialog


Accessing it

· Start ManagePLUS.
· If ManagePLUS is set to require that users log in, the User Login dialog will appear automatically.
ManagePLUS for QuickBooks starblue User Login dialog To change the setting for whether login is required, go to the Preferences dialog (choose Edit > Preferences from the main menu).
· If this dialog is displayed, you must enter the correct password or ManagePLUS will not start.

Using it

1. Enter the login password in the Password box.
ManagePLUS for QuickBooks warnred User Login dialog When ManagePLUS is first installed the default password is “password” (lower case, without the quotes). To change the password, go to the Preferences dialog (choose Edit > Preferences from the main menu).
2. Click OK to log in.

 If you have entered the correct password ManagePLUS should start.

User Login dialog