Here are Preferences dialog settings available in the Personal category, on the Options page. Display Show hints Turns pop-up hint windows on/off everywhere in ManagePLUS, except in Help bubbles (where hints are always enabled). Hint delay Controls how long the mouse pointer must hover over an item before a hint is displayed. Hint duration Controls how long hints are displayed before disappearing. Show toolbar Shows/hides the main toolbar. (When the main toolbar is hidden, you access all commands from the main menu.) Customize toolbar (button) Lets you choose which buttons appear on the main toolbar, and the toolbar style. (See: Customizing the main toolbar.) Data Transaction refresh age (days) before reminder Determines how long ago transactions may have been refreshed from QuickBooks, before ManagePLUS reminds you that they need refreshing. Example: Suppose you have set this value at 60 days. Whenever you open the Transactions window, if any of the transactions it displays were refreshed more than 60 days ago you’ll be reminded that they may need refreshing. If you aren’t getting reminders when you expect them, the likely reason is that you have disabled the reminder message! (See: Spaces to indent each list level Sets the number of spaces used for indenting each level in the Chart of Accounts window, Classes window, etc. Note: List windows which are open when you change this setting must be closed and re-opened to recognize the change. Reports Always show the Modify Report dialog when opening a report Causes the Modify Report dialog to be displayed as you open a report, for choosing report settings before the report is actually built. Changing certain report settings causes a report to be rebuilt, and for large reports that can take considerable time. This option lets you choose report settings before the report is built, which can eliminate having to wait for the report to be rebuilt due to changed report settings. Sublevel (child level) management quantities can override parent’s
This setting controls how management quantity information (for Classes, Customer:Jobs, etc.) is accumulated in the Transactions window grid when transactions are grouped. When check marked (the default), the grouped grid will determine if all child rows of a parent row use the same management quantity unit of measure. If they do, then the total of the child rows’ management quantities will be used for calculations in the parent row. In other words, this setting causes the child rows’ management quantities to accumulate upwards to parent groups. When not check marked, the grouped grid use whatever management quantity information is specifically assigned to each list row (i.e., to each Class, Customer:Job, etc.), regardless of its child rows’ management quantity information. Normally you may want to use the default (checked) setting, to let management quantities to accumulate “upwards” from child rows to their parent rows. This is the most natural and intuitive approach and means that you only need to enter accurate management quantities for child items in their respective lists—the management quantities for parent items will be accumulated automatically from those child items. “When would I not want to use this setting?” When you want to evaluate parent and child levels based on different types of management quantities. For example, if you want per-unit reports at the child levels to be based on “tons” of production but you want parent-level reports based on “labor hours” per unit of production, you should un-check mark this setting. |