This topic tells how to enter quantity information in the Memo or Description field of your QuickBooks transactions, so that ManagePLUS can extract and use it in preparing reports. This provides several benefits:
Memo or Description Field…Which is It? When we say “Memo or Description field” we mean the memo field in the line items area of a QuickBooks form. The reason we don’t simply say “memo field” is that different QuickBooks forms label the field differently. Some forms have a Memo field where you can type a comment or memo about the whole transaction. Many forms also have an area where you can enter multiple lines of detail, with a field (column) where you can type a description for each line. Here they are on a QuickBooks Deposits form:
On some forms like the Deposits form above, both fields may be labeled “Memo”. On other forms the line item description field is labeled “Description”, as on the Invoice shown below. (If someone has customized the form, this field may be renamed to something else entirely.)
The important point:
Quantities in the Memo or Description Field The usual way to enter quantities in QuickBooks transactions is to use one of the forms which supports using items—Invoice, Sales Receipt, Write Checks, Purchase Order, etc. These forms all have a Quantity column where you may enter a quantity directly. But several QuickBooks forms, like the Deposits form, do not support using items and do not have a Quantity column. ManagePLUS gives you a way to enter quantity information on those forms. Also, this capability gives you the option of entering quantities for things you buy or sell, without setting up QuickBooks items for them, if you prefer that approach.
Rules for entering quantities in the Memo/Description field:
Entering quantities in the Memo or Description field of transactions
Handling errors in Memo/Description field quantities ManagePLUS doesn’t get to monitor Memo/Description quantity information while you’re entering it, because transactions are entered in QuickBooks. The first time ManagePLUS gets to “see” this quantity information is when you refresh transactions from QuickBooks. If ManagePLUS cannot figure out how to extract quantities from a transaction, it will flag the transaction as having a quantity error. When that happens, an Errors button will appear in the Transactions window::
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) “Can I enter a ‘negative’ quantity in the Memo or Description field?” Yes, just use a minus sign ahead of the quantity entry. “Can I type a number at the beginning of a Memo or Description field, but NOT have ManagePLUS treat it as a quantity?” Yes:
Example: ManagePLUS would normally try to extract a quantity from the Memo field text “2×4 lumber”, because it begins with a digit. But if changed to ” 2×4 lumber” (note the blank space ahead of “2×4″), the leading blank space would prevent ManagePLUS from interpreting “2×4″ as a quantity.
Example: If you enter “7530 JD oil & hydraulic filters” in a Memo/Description field, ManagePLUS will see “7530″ as a quantity. Changing the text to read “JD 7530 oil & hydraulic filters” would eliminate the problem.
“I didn’t have any quantity errors the last time I refreshed transactions…why do I suddenly have some now?” This can happen for a couple of reasons, both of which are apparent once you understand how ManagePLUS works. You added a unit of measure (UOM) in the Chart of Accounts window. Remember, ManagePLUS doesn’t try to extract quantity information unless the account referenced by the transaction has a UOM associated with it. When you add a UOM to an account which previously had none, ManagePLUS re-checks the transactions which reference that account for quantity information in their Memo/Description fields. So transactions with incorrectly formatted information can be flagged as having quantity errors, even without having refreshed transactions recently. You switched to a different active accounting period. ManagePLUS refreshes transactions in calendar-month “chunks”. Those chunks may not fit entirely within the current active accounting period, if it begins or ends on other than a calendar month’s beginning or ending date. So if you make a different accounting period the active one, you may cause ManagePLUS to load transactions which were refreshed at another time. When that happens, additional quantity errors may be found. See also: Entering quantities as mathematical formulas |