Selecting rows means highlighting one or more row(s) in the grid. The usual purpose is so that you can perform a certain activity on just the set of selected row(s). To select a single row:
The row will be highlighted, indicating that it is selected.
To select a range of rows:
The range of rows will be highlighted, indicating that they are selected.
To select multiple non-contiguous rows:
The selected rows will be highlighted.
Things you can do with selected rows Here are some of the things you can do with selected row(s): Limit the output of reports and exported files Most reports and other types of output, such as exports of the grid’s contents to a spreadsheet, can optionally be limited to just the row(s) you have selected, if you wish. Expand or collapse selected groups If the grid is grouped, you can quickly expand or collapse just the selected parts (selected rows), without affecting the expansion state of other rows in a grid:
For example, we could select these group rows to expand:
The two selected groups will be expanded, while the expansion state of other groups remains unchanged.
See also: |