ManagePLUS displays most of its data—QuickBooks lists and transactions—in grids. These grids share many of the same features; however, some features are disabled in certain grids to prevent rearranging data in ways that would be confusing. The Transactions window uses nearly all of the available grid features so we’ll use it here as an example for introducing you to the grid features. Grid Features
Column heading Column headings (the Name column’s heading is boxed in red in the illustration) are the key to accessing most of the grid’s features for arranging data, like sorting, grouping, filtering, and changing the column order. Most of the features described below are controlled by dragging or clicking on column headers. Examples:
Column selection button Clicking this button displays a drop-down list of the grid’s available columns, like this:
Sort indicator In grids which allow sorting, you may sort by a column by clicking its column heading:
The direction of the sort indicator arrow (up or down) lets you know which sort order is in effect. The arrow points downward when the grid is sorted in first-to-last order, and upward when sorted in last-to-first order. For details, see: Sorting grids Grouping panel Grouping is an easy yet very powerful way to arrange your data to get useful information from it. Drag a column heading into the Grouping panel to group by that column. To ungroup, drag the column heading back out of the Grouping panel, to the header location where you want it reinserted. (Grouping is harder to explain than to use…the quickest way to understand grouping is to try it!) For details, see: Grouping grids Column filtering button If a column allows filtering (not all of them do) the column filtering button will appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the column’s heading. Click the filtering button to display a drop-down list of the column’s data values.
Filter panel The filter panel appears when a filter is applied to the grid (otherwise, it is normally hidden). It briefly describes the current filter, and has controls for changing or removing the filter:
For details, see: Filtering grids Right-click menu If a column allows filtering (not all of them do) the column filtering button will appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the column’s heading. Click the filtering button to display a drop-down list of the column’s data values.
Type-ahead lookup The filter panel appears when a filter is applied to the grid (otherwise, it is normally hidden). It briefly describes the current filter, and has controls for changing or removing the filter:
See also: Using grid features to view transactions in Quick Start Basics |